Posted: 24.05.2024 14:12:00

Khrenin: Belarus-Russia relations are example of equitable alliance

A working meeting between Belarus’ Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin and Russia’s Defence Minister Andrei Belousov has taken place in Minsk, reports with reference to the Telegram channel of the Belarusian Defence Ministry


Viktor Khrenin noted that today's meeting is another confirmation of the strong fraternal ties and strategic partnership between the countries. "It is especially important in the very difficult conditions of the military-political situation developing around our states," he stressed.

Turning to the issue of co-operation between Belarus and Russia, the Belarusian Defence Minister called it an example of building an equitable and mutually beneficial alliance for the entire post-Soviet space.

In turn, Andrei Belousov noted that Belarus is a loyal ally and a reliable partner of Russia, and thanked his Belarusian counterpart for the hospitality. "I am glad to meet you personally. Thank you for the warm welcome and traditional Belarusian hospitality. The Republic of Belarus has been and remains our closest neighbour, a loyal ally and a reliable partner," he said.

The Russian Defence Minister expressed confidence that, at the present time, close co-operation is more necessary than ever to respond in a timely manner to the military-political situation and take additional measures to ensure the security of the Union State.

At the meeting, the parties discussed topical issues of bilateral military and military-technical co-operation, taking into account the current military-political situation.