Expert explains purpose of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan
The US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan has become one of the most discussed political topics this week, and Vadim Gigin, the Chairman of the Republican Znanie Belarusian Society, explained the US goal in this campaign
In his talk with Alfa Radio, Vadim Gigin noted that the United States is dissipating its strength while getting involved in a potential conflict in Taiwan. “Americans are reducing the strength of the United States as a superpower by not resolving the crises in which they are actively involved in one part of the planet, and simultaneously getting into others. This indicates that Americans are not coping with the global leadership they have taken up. Based on their concept, they can conduct two high-intensity conflicts in different, distant parts of the world, but this approach does not quite imply that these conflicts will be waged with both Russia and China, which are powerful military powers,” he said.
According to Mr. Gigin, such a policy of the US is unpromising. "The United States does not believe in the beginning of a full–scale war," he added.
The expert explained how the United States sees potential development of events in relation to Taiwan, “Pelosi is provoking China, and the United States is showing its strength in this was – as it believes. China will not dare to undertake a military operation, since it has around $1.5 trillion of trade turnover with the EU and the US. If it decides to act, sanctions will have such an impact on Chinese society and its internal party opposition that it will lead to the fall of Xi Jinping's power. The United States considers this will happen so, but it is mistaken!”
Mr. Gigin noted that ‘in America, many people seriously hope that a spilt will occur at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, with sharp criticism’. Accordingly, the expert added, the United States ‘is betting not on unleashing a war around Taiwan, but on overthrowing Xi Jinping with the help of such foreign policy injections’.
However, as Mr. Gigin stressed, Chinese diplomats ‘are more patriotic and determined than ever’, and this attitude is observed in other spheres of Chinese life.