Posted: 26.12.2022 11:55:00

Ex-Austrian Vice Chancellor said West has no peace initiatives on Ukraine

Former Austrian Vice Chancellor, former leader of the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) Heinz-Christian Strache said that the United States and the European Union do not have peace initiatives for Kiev, since they have an interest in the Ukrainian conflict, RIA Novosti reports


According to Strache, Türkiye, led by President Tayyip Erdogan, is trying to mediate peace talks on Ukraine. Unfortunately, some have an interest or also a benefit from the ongoing Ukrainian conflict. Therefore, neither in Europe nor in the United States is there a serious and sincerely desired peace initiative.

As the former Vice Chancellor of Austria underlined, there is a chance to reach a peace treaty, but only under several conditions. Firstly, the United States and its NATO allies in Europe must slow down this proxy war, and secondly, stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Strache added that all parties must show a willingness to seriously look for a path to negotiations.