Posted: 07.02.2023 12:08:00

Volfovich on training at Military Academy: all government agencies must act in unison under any conditions

Training of state bodies on national security issues is carried out on behalf of the Head of State on the basis of the Military Academy. The event involves the leadership and officials of the Belarus President Administration, the Council of Ministers, the State Secretariat of the Security Council, as well as various ministries and departments, local authorities, representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

“During the training, algorithms of actions of state bodies under various conditions will be worked out: from an emergency to a counter-terrorist operation,” said Aleksandr Volfovich, the State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus. “We have a compact state, and all government agencies should act in a co-ordinated manner, being able to make decisions quickly in the face of time and resource constraints. It is necessary to establish a system for the rapid exchange of information and to clarify the procedure for interdepartmental interaction. In case of a lack of manpower and resources in some government agencies, it is necessary to compensate for them with the others’ capabilities. It is necessary to be prepared for any development of the situation, and this is achieved only by training in conditions as close to real as possible.”

In addition to increasing the readiness of officials to quickly respond to various risks and challenges, this event will enable to assess the system of activities of state bodies created in Belarus to ensure national security and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments.

According to Aleksandr Volfovich, this is especially relevant today in the context of a tense international and regional situation, as well as an aggravation of the situation near the borders of Belarus.

The training will last until February 9th.