Posted: 29.02.2024 11:27:37

Therapist named diseases found in Biden

US President Joe Biden suffers from several diseases, including sleep apnoea, hyperlipidaemia, gastroesophageal reflux and arthritis, RIA Novosti reports


Information about the health status of the American president is reported in the published conclusion of the therapist. 

“The American president was diagnosed with ‘obstructive sleep apnoea’, which manifests itself in the form of cessation of pulmonary ventilation and can lead to memory impairment, decreased performance and intelligence. Moreover, Biden was found to have spinal arthritis, hyperlipidaemia and gastroesophageal reflux, which is one of the gastrointestinal diseases that the American president manifests in the form of ‘rapid throat clearing’. The patient has several areas of lentigo and actinic changes [spots on the skin],” the document says. 

It also became known that the cranial nerves and vestibular function in Biden are normal, there is no tremor, lividity, cyanosis or oedema.