Posted: 23.03.2023 14:39:00

State Border Committee: number of illegal migration organisers in Poland is growing, Ukrainians and Georgians dominate

The number of illegal migration organisers is growing in Poland, and Ukrainians and Georgians dominate, Belarus’ State Border Committee reports in its Telegram channel

Since early 2023, Polish border guards have detained 122 people who were engaged in transporting foreigners across the border with Belarus and Lithuania. In 2022, there were 546 so-called couriers, including 231 Ukrainians, 61 Georgians and 51 Poles. In 2021, there were 355 of them.

At the same time, the Polish Border Guard claims that the number of refugees trying to cross the border has significantly decreased after the construction of barriers.

"It turns out that there are fewer foreigners, while the number of organisers of illegal migration in Poland is, on the contrary, increasing from year to year,” the State Border Committee stated.

According to the source, despite the telling figures, the Polish authorities continue to deny the existence of profitable schemes – organised in Poland – for the delivery of refugees from the East to Europe.