Posted: 06.09.2023 15:38:00

Sergeyenko: Belarusian people’s unity is its cementing force

After a meeting with the ideological chiefs of the Gomel Region and employees of JSC Spartak, the Head of Belarus’ President Administration, Igor Sergeyenko, commented on the significance of National Unity Day

“Unity – as the driving and cementing force of our people – has always been in focus throughout our history. It helped stand ground, survive and defeat the enemy. Our people showed unity during the years of the Polish occupation and the Great Patriotic War, during the post-war hard times when we were restoring the national economy for five years, in the 1970s and 1980s, and especially in times of sovereign Belarus – when we are working and creating, despite all the sanctions and difficulties that are being formed around us on the external political circuit,” Mr. Sergeyenko said.

The Head of the President Administration outlined the origins of the revival of the holiday. He stressed that the idea was not far-fetched or imposed, but was rooted in the people’s mood, the events of 2020 exacerbated the theme of national unity, “National Unity Day was established in accordance with the President’s decree two years ago. The idea to revive this holiday was voiced at the Belarusian People's Congress in 2021 and was further supported by the Head of State.”

According to Mr. Sergeyenko, the question of which day to define as National Unity Day was debatable, and discussions among specialists – including historians and political scientists – were organised at different levels. As a result, the date of September 17th was chosen, since it has deeply penetrated the Belarusians’ consciousness. Streets, squares and businesses have already been named in honour of this date, and it was supported by the President.

“We need to tell and show people, especially our youth, why this holiday is important, what it is connected with, and why this day has the same significance as Independence Day, Victory Day, or October Revolution Day. These are ‘red’ dates in our calendar,” Mr. Sergeyenko stressed.

To make the conversation more visual, the participants of the meeting were presented archival documentary footage from the collection of the Belarusian State Archive of Film and Photographic Documents about the reunification of the western and eastern parts of Belarus in 1939.

The Head of the President Administration also dwelt in detail on the socio-economic situation that developed on the territory of Western Belarus during the Polish occupation, as well as on the active partisan movement.