Posted: 20.04.2022 09:28:00

Polish policy towards Belarus harms Poles and Europe, deputy says

In his talk with the 1st National Channel of the Belarusian Radio, a deputy of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party Oleg Gaidukevich, shared his views on the Polish authorities’ policy in relation to Belarus

Mr. Gaidukevich reminded that Victory Day – a sacred holiday for every Belarusian – is approaching. “As if to mock and deride us, the Polish authorities have decided to demolish monuments to Soviet soldier-liberators: our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who saved both Poland and the whole of Europe from fascism. In this way, fascism is raising its head again," he noted.

The deputy stressed that the policy of Poland’s authorities towards Belarus has been terrible in recent times. “They are interfering in our domestic political affairs, trying to destroy our economy. This is an unfriendly policy, it does not bring anything good to their people and Europe," Mr. Gaidukevich said.