Posted: 05.04.2024 13:03:00

Opinion: Belarus focuses on active co-operation with India, China

A landmark visit of Belarus’ Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik to India took place not so long ago. The parties then discussed a wide range of bilateral political and economic contacts that are now entering a new, higher stage of development. A message from the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, was passed along to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is already known that, by 2028, India will account for 18 percent of global economic growth, but China remains dominant in terms of the size of the economy. In his talk with, Doctor of Economics Valery Bainev, Professor of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department at the Belarusian State University, commented on Belarus’ possible benefits from its co-operation with these ‘economic tigers’.

“According to IMF estimates, China's nominal GDP will increase to $23.61 trillion by 2028, and India's – to $5.94 trillion. Belarus can become a reference point for India in the Eurasian Economic Union. The fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals and many others are in demand. India is also doing well in the field of artificial intelligence development, and it competes with China in this field. Belarus is developing these competencies in its Hi-Tech Park as well. While remaining friendly countries, we must be equal economic and political partners,” the expert noted.

As stated by Mr. Bainev, China is now the second economy in the world, and India is the fifth. Over time, their global ranking will become even higher, and this is where Belarus should move, this is where the republic’s real partners and future economic development are.

“At the same time, exports of Belarusian educational services have great opportunities. There are not so many Indian students in the country yet, unlike Chinese ones. China realised at the right time that Belarus has largely preserved and continues to develop the traditions and high standards of Soviet education. The Belarusian higher school enjoys great international prestige, and it needs to be used more actively,” Mr. Bainev added.