Posted: 18.06.2024 12:35:23

On guard of life and health

On the threshold of the professional holiday, the best doctors of the country have received awards. The contest Doctor of the Year is held annually, and winners are chosen in different categories. This makes perfect sense — after all, good specialists are always in the foreground in Belarus, being promptly spotted and appreciated. On the whole, our country pays great attention to the healthcare sector, which is under the special control of the President. Belarus is one of the few countries in the post-Soviet space and the European region that has preserved government-funded healthcare.

State support of the healthcare system provides an incentive for medical specialists to continuously develop in the profession — this statement was confirmed by the winners of the national contest Doctor of the Year – 2023, who were awarded at Belarus’ Palace of the Republic

During the Doctor of the Year awards ceremony       Ilya Shvedko

                                     The President of Belarus, 
                               Aleksandr Lukashenko,

“The most valuable and significant resource of the entire system is medical personnel.”

At a meeting with students and teachers of medical universities, on December 13th, 2019

Investing in the future

Ambulance vehicles, Minskavtotrans     Elizaveta Kobetskaya
Doctors generally admit that they get the most satisfaction when a patient leaves the clinic alive and feeling well. For this to happen in the vast majority of cases, a good education alone is not enough. New clinics and hospital blocks are constructed, and expensive equipment is purchased for the money allocated from the state budget. Belarusian authorities do not spare funds to enhance the material and technical base — in 2023, almost twice as many funds were earmarked for its improvement as in 2022. Twenty-six healthcare facilities were commissioned, with 29 built in 2022. New healthcare facilities have been opened in Minsk, Grodno, Borovlyany, Ostrovets, Nesvizh, Zelva, Vitebsk, Gantsevichi and other towns.
The expenses for purchasing medical equipment have increased by 30 percent. There have been put into operation 13 CT scans, four MRI scans, two angiographs, and five linear accelerators. The fleet of high-tech equipment consists of 294 units. The competent allocation of resources, particularly in cities of accelerated development, helps provide all residents of the country with high-quality medical assistance.

Support for everyone

Doctor of the Year award, Palace of the Republic, Minsk    ILYA SHVEDKO
It is not only professional growth that is important for doctors. In order to encourage people to enter the profession, it is necessary to offer them decent working conditions. The quality of life of Belarusian doctors is constantly growing — the country has developed differentiated benefits that ensure a good and, most importantly, fair salary. 
Let us emphasise the recent innovation in this regard. Since May 1st, a benefit of 30 percent of the salary has been established for specialist doctors and secondary medical staff in the organisations performing the functions of inter-district and interregional centres. Surcharges for work in rural areas have been increased to 40 percent of the base rate for paramedical and midwifery station employees, general practitioners in outpatient clinics, district hospitals, and nursing care facilities. This measure will contribute to increased employee retention in the healthcare sector.
The monetary bonus for paramedics of field ambulance teams travelling independently (that is, without a doctor) has become especially tangible — plus 160 percent to the salary. Moreover, additional payments have been established for the medical internship management and resident supervision.


Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Natalya Kochanova,
“By tradition, these June days we honour people who every minute and every second stand guard over the most valuable thing a person can have — their health, the health of their nearest and dearest, and the health of the Belarusian nation on the whole. You know how much attention is paid to the healthcare system in our country. This is one of the priorities of the national social policy. Funds are allocated for this purpose, new medical facilities are built and the existing ones are reconstructed, new modern equipment is purchased, new pharmaceuticals are produced at Belarusian enterprises, while educational institutions annually train specialists for the healthcare industry. 
The policy pursued by our President is centred around people, their needs, concerns, problems. The most important thing is to make sure that people in our country live better from year to year. The tasks set before the healthcare industry are not easy, because residents want to receive qualified medical assistance in all corners of our country. And this is correct — our President has set such a task. The Head of State pays close attention to the healthcare system. There are still many tasks ahead that need to be solved. I am sure that they are within your power. After all, qualified specialists dedicated to their profession work in Belarus, without regard for their time or health, those who do everything to ensure that the system functions smoothly and consistently. Belarusian residents understand and know that we have people in white coats who will always help.” 
During the celebration in honour of the winners of the national contest Doctor of the Year – 2023

Belarus’ Healthcare Minister Aleksandr Khodzhayev,
“According to the national statistical reports, as of January 1st, 2024, there are 47,500 working doctors in our country, and 112,208 paramedical workers. The staffing rate for doctors over the past year was 95.8 percent, and that for paramedical workers was 97.4 percent. Along with that, the coefficient of dual employment does not exceed the optimal one (1.25). By taking the Hippocratic Oath, pronounced aloud or inwardly, every doctor should treat people conscientiously and love their country. A true patriot serves their people, the state and themselves without violating their moral principles. According to many, a patriot is a person who is ready to make sacrifices and perform feats in the name of the interests of their Homeland. There is a kernel of truth in this. However, if your work benefits society and your state, this is also patriotism. The activities of doctors are the best example. They do not fight on the battlefield with the enemy, but fight for the lives of patients. Choosing this path, everyone is clearly aware of what they are doing.”

Traumatology department, Vitebsk Regional Hospital

Angiography room, Mogilev Regional Hospital      ANDREY SAZONOV

Computed tomography room, 14th Central District Polyclinic, Minsk

By Yelena Basikirskaya