Posted: 08.12.2023 09:24:00

MP: there is no democracy in Poland, and every politician is dictator there

There is no democracy or democratic elections in Poland, while Polish politicians who already occupy high posts or just strive to do this not only fail to defend the interests of their country, but act as dictators – as stated by a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, Oleg Gaidukevich, in his talk with SB TV

Photo: video screenshot

According to the MP, Poland is not an example of democracy. “Kaczynski, my friend, you are trying to prove that there is a dictatorship in Belarus. Who are you in this case? You were not leaving your post for one term and then another, and you are not going to do this now,” Mr. Gaidukevich said, adding that the Prime Minister and the leader of the Civic Platform party are also dictators, “It’s time for them to leave the office, but they do not wish to. There is no democracy in Poland, there are no democratic elections.”

Mr. Gaidukevich noted that Belarusians would like a better future for Poles, “We want politicians who will defend national interests to come to power in Poland. We do not need pro-Belarusian leaders of Poland, we need pro-Polish ones who will immediately establish relations with Belarus, because it is in the Polish national interests.”