Posted: 08.11.2023 09:18:00

MP on failed Polish referendum: discernment of Belarus’ neighbours pleases

The results of the recently held Polish referendum proved that Poles are tired of the political games of their own authorities, so people simply did not come to vote. During his recent working trip to the Minsk Region, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko praised Poles, though noting that these people – even if they are not ours, if they do not intend to talk to Belarusians – are great. A member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, Feliks Yashkov, commented of the assessment of the Head of State.


“The referendum that failed in neighbouring Poland became a litmus test of the irreversible process of decomposition of Western propaganda. Ordinary Poles showed an unprecedented disregard in modern history for even the very possibility of expressing their will in the proposed configuration. This is, in turn, a serious prerequisite for a potential change of the political regime and an indicator of the shaken system of Western ideological guidelines, disconnected from reality and not supported by the people. The discernment of our neighbours cannot but please – and the same could be said about their courage and willingness to defend their interests as a people in opposition to the politicians who have got absorbed into plying. People look critically at the situation inside Poland and notice the consequences of the leaders’ destructive and short-sighted actions. It is obvious that the lack of foresight will no longer be something that determines Poles’ national consciousness,” Mr. Yashkov said.