Posted: 01.03.2022 12:55:00

Makei: Russian and Ukrainian delegations thanked Belarus for organising negotiation process

This was stated by Belarus’ Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei after the Russian-Ukrainian talks ended yesterday, BelTA reports


As noted by the Foreign Minister, it was very difficult to organise contacts, especially at this stage. "Importantly, there was readiness at some stage on both sides. I think a telephone conversation between President Lukashenko and President Zelenskyy played a very important role here; as I understand it, there were certain doubts then about the need to organise this meeting," he said.

Mr. Makei added that a number of organisational and technical issues produced the greatest difficulty. “President Lukashenko instructed the Foreign Ministry, the Gomel Regional Executive Committee and the Security Service to make sure that there will be no complaints against us. I think we have eventually succeeded – although, over the night, we had to co-ordinate a range of points and nuances related to the time of arrival and composition of the delegation. Until the very last moment, the issues – needed to organise this negotiation process – remained unclear,” he explained.

"In the end, everything worked well; everything was organised at a quite good level. When saying goodbye to the Ukrainian and Russian delegations, they expressed their gratitude to the Belarusian side for organising this process. The fact that, I hope, a meeting will be held on the Belarusian-Polish border in a couple of days, also speaks for itself," the Foreign Minister noted.

"This meeting was necessary in order to continue contacts that may help us resolve all the current crisis issues,” Mr. Makei added.