Posted: 23.01.2024 12:01:00

Lukashenko to security agencies: vigilance comes first, we must under no circumstances miss anything

The Independence Palace is hosting today an event to approve the decisions on the protection of the state border in 2024 by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko. The participants of the meeting include State Secretary of the Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich, Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin, Chairman of the State Border Committee Konstantin Molostov, and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces – First Deputy Minister of Defence Viktor Gulevich.


The Head of State noted that this event is traditional, held from year to year, “However, it is very important due to the situation that is currently unfolding around our Belarus, around our borders. Therefore, today’s decision to protect the state border has its own peculiarity in that we have a special situation. There’s war in the south. The situation in the west (Poland, Lithuania, Baltic States) is even worse. I underline that it’s even worse, with the appropriate detachments being trained there and ‘commanders’ being identified. We know them. We know the ‘fighters’ of these units who are ready to fight against their own country. Therefore, as I always tell the military, especially the Defence Minister, we should not miss anything, as people say. Under no circumstances should we allow any random developments of events on our border. Therefore, vigilance comes first!”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that so far the border guards and the military are performing their functions well, “But today we will listen to the State Border Committee leadership, as well as the General Staff Chief. What is the situation on our green, as the border guards say, or today white (all covered in snow) border and in the airspace? This is also a border.”

The Head of State, who once served as a border guard, recalled that in Soviet times the border in the airspace was also the area of responsibility of the border troops, “Nevertheless, we strengthened the state border with the army. What is the function, the role of the army, how do we perform it there, providing support and assistance to our border troops?” asked Aleksandr Lukashenko.