Posted: 15.08.2023 12:48:00

Lukashenko revealed industries in which Belarus, Russia can permanently eliminate dependence on imports, and these include agriculture and space

Co-operation in the field of agriculture and industry, joint projects in education and science, a wise use of Russian and Belarusian competencies will help Belarus and Russia create the most advanced technologies, eliminating dependence on imports forever – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, during his today’s meeting with the Governor of the Tomsk Region of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Mazur

In particular, the Head of State noted that, in recent years, the Tomsk Region has achieved significant success in the agricultural sector, “We are making our modest contribution to this process. We believe that our experience and high-quality technologies could also be in demand by you in animal husbandry, crop production, construction of dairy and grain drying complexes.”

The Belarusian side is also ready to share technologies for the cultivation and processing of flax, since the Tomsk Region – like Belarus – is a flagship in this area. The President also noted that more than 60 percent of this Russian region’s territory is covered by forests, “You boast huge reserves of peat, and wealth should not only be used effectively, but also saved – especially from the fires that have become increasingly frequent in recent years. We are ready to share our best practices in the production of logging, fire and rescue equipment, as well as peat extraction machines.”

The scientific and educational sphere plays a special role in socio-economic development: the Tomsk Region is now among the three leaders of Russia’s national sci-tech rating, and the city of Tomsk is called the student capital. With this in view, Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasised, “Of course, high-quality education of young people and training of scientific personnel are the key to the successful future of any country.”

Twenty-five co-operation agreements between the educational institutions of Belarus and the Tomsk Region are in force, and a number of joint research projects are underway. “However, I believe that the potential of interaction in education and science is far from being fully revealed. We should use each other's highest competencies competently and rationally," the Head of State stressed.

Implementation of a project for production of transistors for aerospace and special purposes jointly by Russian scientists, Belarus’ National Academy of Sciences and domestic companies could become a good example of such intellectual co-operation.

“I am convinced that we can jointly create the most advanced technologies, eliminating the dependence of Russia and Belarus on the West. I want to emphasise that we are open to a substantive conversation in all areas of co-operation, and you can be absolutely sure that Belarus will definitely meet all the reached agreements and fulfil all its promises. I assure you that our agreements will be fulfilled 100 percent, and even more. Thank you once again for finding time to come to Belarus to see how it is developing, to borrow some experience from us and share your valuable experience in the name of development of our common Fatherland stretching from Brest to Vladivostok," Aleksandr Lukashenko summed up.
