Posted: 26.08.2022 12:48:00

Irina Karenina comments on Ukrainian Maidan: I had a clear sense of events being staged

During her talk with ONT TV channel, Irina Karenina, a special correspondent of the SB. Belarus Segodnya, admitted that she took the events taking place on the Maidan to heart, realising that it was all staged

Photo: video screenshot

Irina Karenina noted, “It was all personal for me. I helped as much as I could, for example, by spreading information. I was taking about it and ruined so many relationships at that time. It might seem that these were their [Ukrainians’] internal affairs, people wanted to go to Europe, and what’s wrong with that. However, I had a very clear sense of staging in how they want to go to Europe, in how they draw their posters, in what they do and how.

She drew a parallel with the 2020 events in our country, “In 2020, I saw how posters were held word for word. I saw all the same performances. I had a clear understanding of who came, why they came and what would happen next if we falter now. I couldn’t fundamentally change anything in 2013-2014 in Ukraine, but here, in the country where I live, where I raise a child and plan to live on, in a country whose interests are mine, everything is different,” Karenina noted.