Posted: 23.02.2022 13:09:00

In March, Vitebsk to pick up the baton of Belarus’ youth capital

In 2022, Vitebsk received the status of the youth capital. Tatiana Yanchenko, a leading specialist of the Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of the Vitebsk City Executive Committee, told us what surprises are planned during the national holiday on the occasion of the opening of the youth capital.

“It is planned that the holiday will take place from March 10th-12th. The solemn ceremony will be held at Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov. A rich 3-day programme has been prepared for participants and guests. Dialogue platforms will be held in higher educational institutions of the city, with each university determining the topic while demonstrating its achievements and developments. Festival participants will be also able to visit the city theatre and watch performances in the native language, as well as to visit the local television and radio company and become the heroes of the live broadcast. The holiday programme also includes events dedicated to the Year of Historical Memory: visits to museums and memorable places.

As Yulia Zinkevich, deputy head of the Republican Youth Centre, added, young people are actively involved in the development of the programme.