Posted: 21.11.2023 17:00:00

Golovchenko on multi-brand centre construction in Krasnodar

On November 21st, as part of a working visit to the Russian Federation, Belarus’ PM Roman Golovchenko took part in the ceremony of laying the capsule at the site of the future construction of the BELARUS multi-brand trade service centre in Krasnodar

The decision to build a multi-brand trade service centre is the result of systematic work aimed at strengthening our position in this Russian region. Receiving Krasnodar Krai Governor Veniamin Kondratiev at the Palace of Independence in September 2023, Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko especially underlined, “We view Kuban as a key region where we should secure a firm foothold. It is not just delivering equipment and selling it. We want to set up a certain hub with you.”

As part of a working visit to the Russian regions, Belarus’ PM Roman Golovchenko took part in the ceremony of laying the capsule at the site of the future BELARUS multi-brand trade service centre.

“Despite the gloomy grey sky, I’m convinced that everyone is in a great mood today, because this, I believe, is a landmark event for the Minsk Tractor Works (the leader in the post-Soviet space in the production of tractor equipment) and for all Krasnodar residents. It will be the largest centre, which will combine the sale of tractor equipment and all related units, as well as service, maintenance, major and current repairs,” noted the Prime Minister of Belarus during the capsule laying ceremony at the site of construction of a single multi-brand trade service centre for Belarusian equipment.

He also expressed confidence that this place will become a centre of attraction for all workers of the agro-industrial complex not only of the Krasnodar Territory, but also of all surrounding regions.

In conclusion, Roman Golovchenko thanked Governor Veniamin Kondratiev and the regional government for their help, support and assistance in the implementation of this important project.

The equipment of all Belarusian machine builders will be presented at the site, and a wide range of equipment will also be serviced throughout the Southern Federal District. This applies not only to tractors and harvesters, but also to machinery for public utilities and passenger transport. It is expected that the site will be used for training and education of specialists, as well as providing timely service and spare parts, since the Krasnodar Krai is a traditional consumer of Belarusian equipment.

During the September visit of the Krasnodar Krai Governor to Belarus, a protocol of intent was signed for the implementation of the investment project – Construction of a Trade Service Centre for ‘Belarus’ Special Equipment in Krasnodar. The signatories were the Krasnodar Krai Administration and the MTZ-North-West trading house. Following this, as a result of the subsequent visit of Industry Minister Aleksandr Rogozhnik to Krasnodar, an agreement was reached on the advisability of considering the creation of a multi-brand structure on its site within the framework of the above-mentioned investment project.

As the Government press service explained, the procedures are currently being carried out related to the preparation of the architectural design of the centre, connecting communication systems to the land plot allocated for its construction, the area of which occupies 2.8 hectares.
