Posted: 01.11.2021 13:24:00

Express tests to diagnose COVID-19 developed in Belarus

From now on, it’s possible to distinguish a common cold and COVID-19 in 10-15 minutes – doing this even at home

The Self-Supporting Pilot Production of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry at Belarus’ National Academy of Sciences unitary enterprise has developed and set up production of express tests for qualitative detection of the presence of the coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 antigen (acute phase of illness) and antibodies produced by the immune system.

Leonid Shuvaev – who heads the company’s commercial department – comments, “We have already distributed more than 4,000 tests among pharmacies and retail chains. Since the number of applications is growing, we involve specialists from other departments in the work – to meet the demand. The quality of our express tests has been confirmed by laboratory studies and clinical trials.”

Express tests are not an analogue of a PCR test since they have completely different principles of action. PCR testing is carried out in a laboratory and requires trained personnel and certified equipment. Moreover, its result is ready within a day.

“In turn, express tests are based on the method of immunochromatographic analysis. They are actually a set of components that make it possible to detect antibodies in a drop of blood (SARS-CoV-2-IDM /IgG test) or nucleocapsid antigen of coronavirus in a nasal swab (SARS-CoV-2-Antigen test). Our products can be used by healthcare personnel in hospitals and ordinary people at home – for self-control. It’s simply enough to apply the biomaterial and a special solution to the test card and wait 10-15 minutes. Depending on the number and location of the coloured stripes, it will become clear whether there is a virus in the body or not. In addition, it’s possible to determine the presence of immunity during or after the disease,” Mr. Shuvaev explains.