Posted: 26.10.2023 16:33:00

Opinion: West’s main weapon is sowing discord, enmity and hatred among friends and neighbours

To this day, the collective West continues to try to undermine the post-Soviet space, weaken it and subordinate it to its own interests – as noted by Aleksei Avdonin, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR) in his talk with ONT TV channel

Today, the BISR analyst believes that it is important for the USSR former republics to ensure unity, mutual understanding and support.

“At the CIS summit in Bishkek, Aleksandr Lukashenko abandoned politically correct formulations and spoke about topical issues that concern the entire post-Soviet space today. The Belarusian leader called on his colleagues not to bury their heads in the sand, but to work together to deal with controversial issues and overcome differences. The main weapon of the collective West, led by the Anglo-Saxons, is the sowing of discord, enmity, selfishness, hatred and intolerance among friends, neighbours and allies. “It’s like in the old Irish proverb: if two neighbours are fighting, there’s an Englishman that has visited one of them yesterday,” said Aleksei Avdonin.

According to the expert, the Belarusian President remains true to himself and clearly determines that the time has come for serious consolidation within the CIS.

“Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled that the main goal of creating the CIS was to prevent a break in communication after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This did not suit and still does not suit our competitors – the West – which to this day continues to try to undermine us, weaken us and subordinate us to its interests. We cannot calmly watch this from the outside, otherwise we will simply be torn into pieces. And first of all, ordinary people – the people of our countries – will suffer,” Aleksei Avdonin underlined.