Belarus to redirect its timber sales to the East
After his meeting with the Head of State today, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Nazarov commented on how the EU sanctions will affect the Belarusian forestry branch
“Belarus’ forestry branch – which unites state-run and private companies – exported almost $3.2bn of products to Europe. These included logs, boards, wood chips and pellets. It has been informed today that the European Union is withdrawing the so-called FSC forest management certification which is the basis for a wood supply chain. It indicates that forest management is conducted on a normal scientific basis.”
With this in mind, Mr. Nazarov is convinced that the industry needs to redirect its commodity flows. “Meanwhile, we are well aware that the European Union will not do without our products either. This is because the production chains are already so well established. For example, we produce good quality wooden slabs, while Polish businesses have built furniture factories that relied on these products. In addition, for example, our furniture manufacturers organised their production in a way to join European retail chains. These links will not have to be broken at once,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
Mr. Nazarov is convinced: Belarus is ready to redirect part of its export flows to the East. “We are already successfully exporting our sawn and slab products to China. True, there are problems with logistics. There have always been more marginal markets in Europe. At the same time, China will also buy our products, as well as Azerbaijan and the countries of Central Asia where there is no wood. We once worked with Iran, supplying our slab products there. Therefore, we simply need to calmly redirect the articles that Europe will not buy – and to make money on it,” he explained.