Will black holes serve humanity?

Belarusian scientists in association with Russian colleagues are looking for an answer to secrets of nature
“The Earth possesses energy, which power is terrifying. The energy’s name is black holes. A black hole as large as an atom nucleus means energy, which bests that of any nuclear power plant. An explosion of one oton bomb equals an explosion of a million A-bombs, a gigadeath, loss of millions of human lives.”

This is an excerpt from a speech by Alexander Trofimenko, PhD in philosophy, research officer of the Philosophy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, physicist. The excerpt contains one phrase unknown to those, who are not in the trade, — an oton bomb. The term oton, which originates as an abbreviation from the Russian term for the general relativity theory, was suggested in 1971 by Yakov Zeldovich, Soviet scientist, one of those who created the H-bomb, to pay tribute to Albert Einstein’s contribution to astrophysics, as the scientist was one of the first ones to assume the existence of “black holes”. But this article will not discuss the space monster, which is born in the flame of a star explosion to devour galaxies, but will dwell on its tiny semblance, a kind of minimonster, which brings about many negative phenomena with no scientific explanation so far.

“The list of researchers, who studied the new phenomenon, “Alexander Trofimenko tells me “began with American physicist, Nobel Prize winner Steven Hocking. In 1967 Hocking simultaneously with Soviet physicists Yakov Zeldovich and Igor Novikov voiced a hypothesis: the so-called late nuclei of the Big Bang may come from outer space. By entering the earth and following complicated orbits inside it they can trigger events the science could not explain. Now the world has a well-grounded theory, to which development Belarusians and Russians contributed. I would like to thank many Russian fellow researchers I worked with on the theory, especially Aleksei Starobinskiy, Alexander Mastepanenko and Igor Novikov. According to the Belarusian concept, which has been developed since 1987 by the astronomical section of Minsk branch of the then All-USSR Astronomy and Geodesy Society, small black holes are objects, which initially appeared as nuclei to give birth to cosmic bodies, including our planet. But oton existence has been confirmed by several laboratories across the globe, including ours. Together with Igor Naumenko-Bondarenko, employee of the Earth Physics Institute, creator of unique apparatus, we performed measurements of the Earth’s gravitational potential at the Pamirs and the Caucasus and registered periodical fluctuations of the potential, which had been predicted by the oton theory: when an oton flies by close to the equipment, it essentially changes the indications. Other labs came up with experiments of their own. For example, recently British researchers from University of St Andrews started experimenting with the creation of tiny black holes in laboratory conditions. To cut the story short, search after truth is underway.

It all started with killer-waves. It is the name of a phenomenon when somewhere in a calm place of the ocean a gigantic wave arises without any obvious reasons. Misfortune befalls the ships struck by the wave, for not every vessel can survive it. Here is an example. On the night of January 1–2, 1997 in the Sea of Japan Russian tanker Nakhodka broke in two parts, though the sea was dead calm. For a vessel 170 metres long, 20 metres wide and a 20-metre draft, the impact must be equal to the one the vessel would have had if it had run into a rock at full speed. There is a great many of such sea catastrophes.

“Volcanoes are on the list of catastrophes caused by otons,” Alexander Trofimeko continues. “Eruptions cannot surprise anyone. Except for volcanologists and geophysicists. They cannot convincingly explain why volcanoes exist. What force sustains a point of energy with the colossal temperature inside the Earth and brings devastating consequences when unleashed.

The Krakatoa explosion of 1883 killed mice and men within a 20 kilometre radius. The volcanic dust brought about sunsets, blue Sun and bright green Moon observed for a long time by residents of Chicago, Paris and Gothenburg. But the eruption of Santorin volcano located on an island between mainland Greece and Crete in 1400 BC was much more powerful. The Bible story about Egyptian darkness precisely describes the situation witnessed then, “There was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days.” The Santorin ash was found in soil strata of Asia Minor and Africa. Santorin’s rage brought about the end of the Crete-Mycenaean culture, the death of Atlantis. Modern calculations estimate the power of Santorin eruption at more than one million Hiroshima A-bombs. It is fairly acceptable by Steven Hocking’s formula, which explains the otonic influence on processes in the Earth’s crust.

“More frequently otons provoke local cataclysms,” says Alexander Trofimenko. “While penetrating the ice armour of the Arctic and the Antarctic they suddenly take a huge piece of ice and throw it far into the sea.”

In Belarus, near the town of Soligorsk, there is a swamp called Devil’s Swamp. It swallows up anyone who approaches it closer than one hundred metres. The swamp attracts people like magnet attracts iron similar to the matter absorption phenomenon of black holes. History has thousands of such unusual phenomena. For example, strange rains of fish, frogs, grain, and other things, which were lifted high into the sky bending gravity laws.
In his time Yakov Zeldovich voiced a postulate, “Black holes can be blamed for anything unexplainable”. The scientist meant otons and their unpredictable energy discharges, which penetrate land and sea as well as living beings. The same can be said about the horrible phenomenon of human self-ignition.

In 1999 in an elevator of one of Minsk buildings a young man burnt down. His clothes were untouched and the walls and the ceiling of the elevator had no soot. The official statistics has a record of hundreds of such cases when a heap of ash and undamaged clothes is found inside a building or outside — all what’s left of a human being. Public self-ignition looks especially dramatic. One of such misfortunes took place in Germany in 1986 when during a service the pastor screamed and a second later turned into a blazing column.

Two years later a similar case was reported by the BBC Radio. At a disco club everybody saw a 19-year-old girl, who was dancing with her boyfriend, catch fire. The boyfriend and other witnesses, who saw it up close, recalled that the flame was coming from the girl’s body. Just like in every other case the clothes remained undamaged. Every year self-inflammation takes 15–20 human lives. Mass media seldom report such cases, as there is no official explanation for the phenomenon. But back in 1991 Candidate of Science Alexander Trofimenko started talking about human deaths caused by otons on their way from the outer space or the bowels of the earth.

“If the theory developed by Yakov Zeldovich, Igor Novikov, and Steven Hocking and continued by Belarusian scientists proves true,” Alexander Petrovich says, “then theoretically we will be able to calculate the orbits of small black holes, which circle inside the Earth, using satellite images of the killer-waves”. As the next step we may be able to use the black holes for the humanity’s benefit. If we were able to clarify the trajectory of even one oton with its huge energy potential, we could try to build an otonic power plant. Thus the evil could benefit the humanity.

It sounds fantastic. But you should remember scientific debates about the possibility of using nuclear energy started long before the first A-bomb appeared or the first nuclear power plant did.

Alexander Ivanov
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