Shakespeare interpreted by puppet theatre

New theatrical season sees Mogilev Regional Puppet Theatre preparing major premiere of Shakespeare’s Hamlet for adults
By Sergey Kulikovsky

In our modern world, Shakespeare’s eternal themes continue to remain relevant, despite the passing of centuries. However, the performance is being given bold and provocative twists, to encourage audiences to connect with the characters more deeply. Theatre Director Igor Kazakov tells us, “Our decision to take on this challenging play shows not only the director’s personal ambitions but the theatre’s confidence in its ability to present such a classic. During our ‘wandering’ years, when the theatre was being renovated, we considered our future direction. We boast talented actors, a creative climate of trust and maturity, making us fully able to portray Shakespeare’s works: Hamlet is particularly challenging, as it offers more questions than answers.”

Final details for the performance are still being decided upon but the idea has inspired everyone, allowing the play to grow through rehearsals. It should be ready by the end of the year and is to be entered in the International Youth Theatre Forum. The last time that the puppet theatre attempted Shakespeare was 12 years ago, when Macbeth was performed; the departure of the former Director placed the addition of further Shakespeare plays on hold.

Two more premieres are planned this season: The Incredible Adventures of Gentlemen Kublіtsky and Zablotsky, by Sergey Kovalev, which opens the season on October 10th, and an entertaining children’s performance of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, based on the story by the Brothers Grimm.
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