Possibilities for wider application

Belarusian research and education network integrated into GEANT pan-European data network, with boundary optical frequency transition between Belarusian and Polish research networks

“Belarus’ research and education community is now integrated into Europe’s electronic infrastructure, with a high data throughput of 1 Gb/s,” explains the Deputy Director General of the United Information Technologies Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vladimir Anishchenko. He adds that GEANT enables us to carry out research and educational programmes jointly with Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine and other EU members, via cross-border co-operation. This is in line with the 7th Framework Programme of the EU (FP7) and the Eastern Partnership initiative. The pan-European network provides data and materials for computer studies, space programmes, healthcare, nuclear research and more. Moreover, our Belarusian scientists have the opportunity to take part in European projects regarding elementary particle physics, genetic engineering and telemedicine. “Belarusian research has been granted high-speed access to European electronic resources. Meanwhile, Belarusian students can take advantage of GEANT’s e-education technologies,” notes the expert.


In turn, the Chief Technical Officer of the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA), Valentino Cavalli, stresses that the EU is ready to develop research co-operation with Belarus and carry out joint projects. He explains that one project will help Belarusian students gain wireless Internet access in Belarus and across Europe.

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