Partners and neighbours

IX Belarusian-Lithuanian Economic Forum to start in Klaipeda

IX Belarusian-Lithuanian Economic Forum to start in Klaipeda

The current meeting of representatives of state bodies and business community of Lithuania and Belarus is a wonderful occasion to consolidate existing agreements and to discuss a number of new bilateral projects. The Prime Ministers of Belarus and Lithuania Mikhail Myasnikovich and Algirdas Butkevicius will speak at the the plenary session of the forum to express mutual respect.

As the Ministry of Economy recently reported, the bilateral trade and economic relations between our country and Lithuania has been on the rise and characterized by very positive dynamics. Belarusian exports to Lithuania exceeded $ 1 billion last year.

Moreover, Lithuania as a sea power is becoming Belarus’ «window into the world». In 2012, our country transported through the port of Klaipeda 5.7 ​​million tons of potash. This represented 90 percent of the total deliveries abroad. We also exported 800 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizers and 2.2 million tons of mazut and light oil products through Klaipeda.

Lithuania recognizes Belarusian companies as strategic partners of the port, because about 31 percent of the whole cargo handled in 2012 came from Belarus. Lithuanian colleagues say that a well coordinated work of the port and railway personnel, customs and border services creates a perfect opportunity to further increase the flow of Belarusian goods.

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