Investments are welcome

The Belarusian economy needs to modernise many of its facilities to ensure development — in the industrial and agricultural sector. Innovative projects are the answer, so money must be found to support them. So far, the Republic has benefitted from loans from Russia, the International Monetary Fund and the Chinese government at advantageous terms. However, the current world financial crisis has adversely affected income. Belarus needs to redouble its efforts to bring profit revenue and encourage investments
The Belarusian economy needs to modernise many of its facilities to ensure development — in the industrial and agricultural sector. Innovative projects are the answer, so money must be found to support them. So far, the Republic has benefitted from loans from Russia, the International Monetary Fund and the Chinese government at advantageous terms. However, the current world financial crisis has adversely affected income. Belarus needs to redouble its efforts to bring profit revenue and encourage investments.

Everything possible is being done to make investors feel welcome; legislation has been changed to bring liberalisation and fortify confidence. This year, foreign investors brought almost seven billion US Dollars into the private sector of the Belarusian economy, exceeding last year’s figures by over twenty percent. Clearly, investors are ready to respond to our own interest. President Lukashenko’s recent official visit to Serbia was an unambiguous example of the new approach, with several meeting arranged with Serbian business representatives. Co-operative development centres around a free trade agreement soon to be signed, which should ensure the avoidance of duties.

The Council of Business Co-operation is the foundation for new projects, with its membership including Serbian entrepreneurs wanting to work in Belarus. The articles “Language of mutual understanding” and “Precise analysis” offer a detailed description of this topic.

Many economic articles in the magazine highlight foreign trade under our open Belarusian economy. National goods are being exported under the “Made in Belarus” trademark. “Economic diplomacy: results of 2008” interviews Sergey Sidorsky, the Prime Minister of Belarus, posing the question of whether ‘Economy is the best policy’.

“New possibilities open today” explores the improving economic relationship between Belarus and the German federal state of Brandenburg. Germany is one of the most important trading partners for Belarus in Europe, opening doors to trade as well as cultural and humanitarian liaisons.

Of course, the topics of our magazine are versatile. “Feeling the heartbeat” is an article about the success of Belarusian cardiac surgeons, who recently carried out the first heart transplantation. “Sunny house resident” details the work of an enthusiastic researcher who has built a ‘green’ home in a village near Minsk. Using wind and solar energy to heat the house and its water, as well as power lighting, it embodies the modern trend for alternative energy sources. Its ideas are a wonderful investment in the future.

The next edition is a special “Soyuz” issue looking at the integration of Belarus and Russia and the many joint investment projects being implemented in this sphere.

Viktor Kharkov, magazine editor Беларусь. Belarus
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