“I was born on Kupalye!”

A famous Belarusian singer Irina Dorofeeva is preparing a grand performance
Irina Dorofeeva is getting ready for a big jubilee concert. It will take place in late June near the walls of castle in Mir and is going to astonish with scale and staginess. The singer itself admits that she has never had such a grandiose and large-scale concert.

— Irina, what are you planning to surprise your audience with? 

— With a spectacular national performance with various special effects and plenty of participants. I will name some of them: the orchestra of the President of the Republic of Belarus headed by Viktor Babarikin, the ballet group of Belarusian state university of culture and arts headed by Svetlana Getkovskaya, the State dance ensamble headed by Valentin Dudkevich, show-group “Pops Fondation”, and of course artists from the theatre of Irina Dorofeeva, Georgy Koldun. As far as the guests are concerned, Kim Breitburg, the Russian composer, made a promise to come. He wrote a very beautiful song for me called “A girl Ashore”. Ale-xander Ponomarev, an honoured artist from the Ukraine wrote a new song as well, he was going to visit me for a long time. We will sing duet at the concert. And I don’t want to reveal the secret about other guests and participants of the concert. The total number of artists participating in the performance called “Irina Dorofeeva’s Kupalye” is over three hundred people. 

— Will the concert in the open air probably gather a lot of spectators? 

— I would like this event to be a really large scale one. Again, this is a jubilee concert. By the way, we are planning that the concert will be broadcast by ONT on the eve of Kupalye and my birthday. And I will celebrate my 30th anniversary at “Slavyancky Bazar”. 

— And then — “afield”, a traditional tour around the country? 

— This will be the fourth tour this year. We are planning concerts in Gomel region and in the part of Minsk region. The action “Under the peaceful sky” started in the year 2003 and since that time, in the period of harvesting, we have been giving concerts directly in the fields, and any open areas. Our art is for those who work in the fields. Generally there about 50 such field concerts a year. 

— What attracts you in such performances in the fields? In fact this is a hard job. 

— I can’t live without such concerts. Frankly speaking, I don’t get tired of them, but on the contrary, I get energy of the earth, the energy of these people, I enjoy talk to them. And then, it is summer, it is good weather. I can’t even imagine my life without such concerts. 

— You are a well-known singer, furthermore you teach pop vocal at the university of culture and arts, work with young artists in your Theatre, participated in a dramatic performance, take part in TV projects. Perhaps, your fans will get to know you in some other role? 

— Well, I would like to try my talent as an actress. And by the way I have already got an offer. I’m still thinking it over. And very soon the audience will have an opportunity to know completely different Irina Dorofeeva, I hope that in the nearest future it will come noticeable. And it will be my major surprise… 

Olga Korneeva
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