Honorary acknowledgment of real merits

Belarusian Academy of Arts joins leading institutions of culture

By Tatiana Ponomareva

The newly acquired status acknowledges the high level of training offered by the Belarusian Academy of Arts. It is among the leading educational institutions in the sphere of culture. It meets a whole range of criteria — from its number of students, teachers and professors, to its curriculum and public-political work.

Alongside its guaranteed quality of education, it employs professors and teachers who are actively engaged in research and publication. They take lectures and seminars, while developing teaching methods, pursuing research and finding applications for their learning.

The Belarusian State Academy of Arts is Belarus’ third cultural university to be awarded honorary status: the Belarusian State Academy of Music and the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts also have such recognition.

At present, the Belarusian State Academy of Arts trains people to find employment in the theatre and in television and radio, as well as teaching pictorial and decorative-and-applied arts, and design and art history. It has five departments: theatre; arts; design and decorative-and-applied arts; cinema; and the enhancement of qualifications and staff retraining. Master’s Degree programmes are offered, alongside postgraduate and doctoral training.

A Theatre-Studio operates at the Academy, hosting demonstrations of term and diploma papers, as well as practical lessons, international conferences, workshops, master classes and artistic meetings. A new panel has been set up to allow students to defend their thesis works in ‘Technical Aesthetics and Design’.

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