Winners of open contest set up by the Swedish telecommunication equipment provider Ericsson and the National Science Academy of Belarus were awarded as part of the 5th International Congress “Electronic Community. High Technologies Park. Safe Telematic Applications” in Minsk
Winners of open contest set up by the Swedish telecommunication equipment provider Ericsson and the National Science Academy of Belarus were awarded as part of the 5th International Congress “Electronic Community. High Technologies Park. Safe Telematic Applications” in Minsk.
At the contest young Belarusian specialists presented their ideas on creating a mobile application portal in the area they had chosen. Award certificates were presented by the Chairman of the Science Academy Board Mikhail Myasnikovich and Ericsson’s communications manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

To partake in the contest entrants were supposed to possess thorough technical knowledge as well as the ability to grasp present market situation and entrepreneurship skills. This year the entrants were to develop an idea to create a mobile portal. They had to carry out an analysis of the existing or potential market of non-voice services for mobile communication subscribers in a special area, shape their idea of the portal and prove its expediency from the point of view of the potential customer’s appeal. After defining the main target groups of the portal entrants had to present a set of services for each group, with one more unique service elaborated in detail.
The contest winners were students of the Belarusian State University Aleksei Polukh for developing a mobile portal “M-packs”, Roman Sergeyev for “Mobiler” portal idea and Sergei Zyryanov for “Crystal Eye” portal idea.
The contest commission bestowed special prizes on students of Grodno State University Yuri Kuznetsov and Andrei Valchevski.

“The importance of Belarusian telecommunications market for Ericsson cannot be overestimated”, said Ericsson President for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Bjцrn Hemstad. “With the rapidly developing communications industry, Ericsson company as the leading world’s supplier of contemporary telecommunication solutions sees its goal not only in providing its customers with modern technological solutions and services, but in active participation in professional development of the Belarusian youth as well”.
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