Enough room available for everyone on the Web

Almost every Belarusian teenager with Internet access is member of a social network
98.47 percent of young men and 99.49 percent of girls aged 15-18 visit social networks, as mentioned in a blog by the Head of Belarusian Gemius company, Mikhail Doroshevich. According the November GemiusAudience research, as Internet users grow in age, they tend to visit social networks less frequently: 87 and 78 percent among the 19-24 age group. Overall, almost 70 percent of Belarusian Internet users visit social networks. The most popular are Вконтакте (Vkontakte), Одноклассники (Odnoklassniki), Facebook, Live Journal and Всети (Vseti). The latter is Vkontakte’s Belarusian ‘clone’ but is yet to become as popular among Belarusians: in November, it was visited by 320,000 Belarusians — against 2.1m visiting Vkontakte (or 53.31 percent of local users). Moreover, 28.76 percent of Belarusians visited no other social networks.
The study shows that over 50 percent of Belarusians use the Internet — 4.063m are aged 15 and above. Moreover, 76 percent of these visit daily. Interestingly, 38 percent are from Minsk and the Minsk Region.
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