Direct ties definitely bring benefits

Belarus and Turkey to set up working party to support small and medium-sized entrepreneurship

By Grigory Alenichev

The Economy Ministry’s Entrepreneurship Department and the Small and Medium Industry Development Organisation (KOSGEB) of Turkey have signed a protocol on co-operation.

The document envisages the creation of a Belarusian-Turkish working group to develop and support small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and to share information on state policy regarding entrepreneurship. The exchange of specialised data will be supported also, aiding direct contacts between the business circles of Belarus and Turkey.

The document was signed during a visit by the Economy Ministry to Turkey. The Belarusian delegation met leaders and experts from the Small and Medium Industry Development Organisation (KOSGEB) of the Republic of Turkey, discussing state support of small and medium-sized enterprises. The meeting also tackled how joint mechanisms could be used to encourage business in Belarus and Turkey, developing bilateral trade-economic and investment collaboration.

The Belarusian delegation plans to visit industrial zones, techno-parks and business incubators in Ankara and Istanbul.

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