British to develop city brand for Minsk

British INSTID, which has previously implemented a similar project for London, is to develop a city brand for Minsk
By Kirill Onufriev

The British company has been chosen from ten bidders in a tender to develop a brand for Minsk, as announced in mid-June by Minsk City Executive Committee. 

“We’ve chosen the British company for its experience in creating and promoting brands for various places,” notes Yelena Plis, Director of the Minsk Information and Tourist Centre. Famous British specialists will be invited to work on the Minsk brand, including Jeremy Hildreth (who helped promote Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Northern Ireland) and David Adam (in charge of the London brand project). Carl Glover, who created album covers for Paul McCartney, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, will act as chief designer and photographer.

A traditional approach is anticipated, explains Natalia Grand, INSTID Director for Research. She notes, “The Minsk brand is an important, landmark project: a city brand which will gain international recognition and be a territorial branding classic.” 
The British company is expected to develop the brand by the end of 2012, with a logo to be widely used on cards and brochures, street signs and public transport. The project is to include master classes and lectures in photography and urban design for Belarusian specialists and a website will be launched to inform Minskers of the status of the project, its results and events. Users will be able to share their viewpoints and partake in the project as volunteers.
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