APB BirdLife Belarus opens school of bird watching — From Dikkop to Hawk

Bird school lessons begin

APB BirdLife Belarus opens school of bird watching — From Dikkop to Hawk

The once weekly classes will last for a period of three months, for those aged 12 and above, offering a study of Belarusian bird species.

According to the press secretary of the public association, Victoria Tereshonok, the idea originated long ago, but has only just been brought to life. Bird watching is a popular hobby, and is environmentally friendly, enjoying popularity across Europe and America.

Ornithologist Natalia Karlionova, a candidate of biological sciences and a leading research officer at NAS’ Scientific and Practical Centre for Bio-resources, tells us that children will become acquainted with all 325 bird species residing in our country. They’ll also learn about the behaviour of birds, their calls and feathering, and diet, across 10 lectures. Five practical lessons in the countryside are envisaged, allowing youngsters to try their hand at identification first hand, by appearance and song.

By Olga Pasyanova
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