What services are on offer in the Belarusian capital at night

As twilight falls in city

By Inna Gorbatenko

What services are on offer in the Belarusian capital at night

What services are on offer in the Belarusian capital at nightShopping

Minsk has 6 round-the-clock supermarkets, located across various city districts. In addition, about ten stay open until midnight or 2am. You can order pizza or sushi online, for delivery, as long as the cost reaches Br100,000, with free delivery within the limits of Minsk`s central part. Those beyond pay Br25,000.

Free dental treatment

The 3rd dental clinic on Kiselev Street runs a 24 hour emergency service, without appointments. At least 15 people are treated each night, although up to 100 may attempt to use the free of charge service. Some attempt to see the dentist at night purely to avoid taking time off work, or to avoid queuing (and paying). Only around 34 percent of patients are genuine emergency cases, inspiring the clinic to consider offering ‘paid’ services at night.

Exchanging currency

Some exchange offices work round the clock. However, long breaks — of up to 45 minutes or an hour — are frequent. As a rule, all follow timetabled hours. In residential areas of the city, it can be harder to find offices open at night.


There are several veterinary clinics offering 24 hour services, including Minsk city veterinary clinic, headed by Sergey Zakrevsky. He tells us that around five pets arrive each night and most are emergencies: long deliveries of puppies or kittens, fractured limbs and other injuries. The night service levies an extra charge of 30 percent. Private clinics offer a wider spectrum of services — including grooming and nail clipping.

Buying flowers

Prices, naturally, differ from those during the day, and bouquets can be delivered free of charge for orders over Br400,000; deliveries beyond Minsk’s ring road must be  agreed with the manager by phone.


The city has more than 120 filling stations working 24 hours a day and car washing is also possible past midnight; 50 car washes offer this service. Meanwhile, there are several round-the-clock service stations, whose prices are the same at all times.


About 25 pharmacies are open at all hours, with prices the same regardless of the time of day or night. Few customers tend to come at night, but those who do buy painkillers and medicines to tackle viruses.

Postal services

Post office #11 at Privokzalnaya Station allows customers to pay utility bills and newspaper subscriptions and all the usual PO services.
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