Posted: 13.09.2022 17:43:00

Symbol of Unity rally started in Belarus

The cradle of Belarusian statehood – the city of Polotsk – became the starting point for a large–scale patriotic action: Symbol of Unity. Forty-two crew began their trip from there on September 12th to cover 7,000km.

On the way, the rally participants will visit Belarus’ regional centres, from which they will take symbolic details to further use them to make watches. In addition, banners and signs with QR codes – containing general information about each memorial and memories of war participants – will be installed on military graves.

The action was initiated by the Patriots of Belarus Republican Public Association and the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus. As noted by the Deputy Chairperson of the Patriots of Belarus, Anna Kharuta, their mission is to attract as many participants as possible, because such events demonstrate how many true patriots live in Belarus and how much they wish the country to prosper.