Posted: 21.11.2022 10:04:00

SCO Secretary General: work over Belarus' accession is underway

The Secretary General of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation took part as head of a SCO observer mission over organisation and holding of the extraordinary elections of the President of Kazakhstan. In an exclusive conversation with him, the reporter asked about Belarus’ accession and the need of states’ unity, taking into account the current geopolitical situation.

“True, a summit of the leaders of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation member states was held in Samarkand in September – becoming the twenty-second one since the SCO reorganisation. During the summit, your country applied to join the organisation as a member state. In this regard, I would like to take an opportunity and primarily gratitude the Belarusian people and the President of the country on such a significant step. As for the timing of Belarus' accession to the SCO family, I can say that the work on promoting this process by the SCO charter is actively continuing. It is important to understand that this process will take a certain period of time. Despite this, I want to assure you that the work is progressing, and it is moving in a positive way," Zhang Ming said.

Speaking of the importance to consolidate forces, the SCO Secretary General stressed that the international situation is changing, and instability and uncertainty have increased significantly. In the face of a number of serious and common challenges, the international community had to unite and co-operate in order to overcome difficulties. Zhang Ming recalled that the SCO has always been committed to playing a constructive role in responding to common threats and challenges to the human community.