Posted: 30.01.2024 17:04:00

Migration policy concept approved in Belarus

The migration policy concept for 2024-2028 has been approved in Belarus in line with Resolution No. 48 of the Council of Ministers dated January 23rd, 2024, National Legal Internet Portal reports

It is noted that the purpose of Belarus' migration policy is to create conditions ensuring national security, sustainable economic growth and improving the quality of life of citizens, demographic development, labour market protection and integration of migrants into the labour market.

The document outlines the main directions of migration policy, according to which international co-operation in this area will be carried out. It is planned to form a single migration space between Belarus and Russia to achieve the goals of the Union State, deepen co-operation on migration issues within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and develop international co-operation on combating illegal migration.

In the field of optimising internal and external migration flows, it is planned to implement a policy of voluntary resettlement to Belarus for permanent residence of persons ‘who have spiritual values similar to the people of the country and who want to integrate into Belarusian society to realise their intellectual, cultural and investment potential, as well as those from the Belarusian expatriate community’. Belarus is ready to create conditions for the adaptation and integration of migrants, to facilitate migration related to investment, entrepreneurial and innovative activities, as well as in the field of education and support for academic mobility.

The Interior Ministry, the State Security Committee, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the State Border Committee, the State Customs Committee, the Foreign Ministry, the Economy Ministry, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Education Ministry, the Healthcare Ministry and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are responsible for monitoring the implementation of the decree in accordance with their competence.