Posted: 10.01.2022 17:06:00

Lukashenko, Xi Jinping spoke by phone

A telephone conversation between the presidents of Belarus and China – Aleksandr Lukashenko and Xi Jinping – has taken place today, the Belarusian leader’s press service reports

The heads of state discussed a wide range of issues on the international, bilateral and domestic agenda.

Belarus and China will soon celebrate an important date in the history of their bilateral co-operation: the 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. In this regard, the leaders exchanged congratulations and discussed in detail the projects which are currently being implemented and also the opportunities for expanding liaisons in many areas. The sides agreed to deepen mutually beneficial co-operation between the two countries and promote the China-Belarus comprehensive strategic partnership to continuously achieve new results.

As stressed, China and Belarus effectively liaise within the framework of multilateral organisations, while supporting each other in protecting their main interests – which reflects the strategic value of Chinese-Belarusian co-operation.

Touching upon the current international agenda, the President of Belarus and the President of the People's Republic of China exchanged views on the situation in Kazakhstan. Aleksandr Lukashenko informed his colleague on the activities of the CSTO peacekeeping forces in this country and on the results of a special session of the CSTO Collective Security Council.

Aleksandr Lukashenko and Xi Jinping also discussed the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and also co-operation in the humanitarian sphere.