Posted: 18.11.2022 15:55:00

Lukashenko: Western Europe is out of competition with Belarusian agrarians

Belarusian agriculture no longer faces the problem of where to sell its products, as it was before. Meanwhile, as noted by Aleksandr Lukashenko after a solemn awarding ceremony for the country’s best agricultural workers, it is now the most advantageous time for food production and exports.


“It has always been a sore problem for us to find a place to sell our products. As you can remember, even our close neighbouring state did not always allow our products to enter its market. Times have changed seriously, and today there is nowhere to spend Euros and Dollars, while the Russian Rouble is good. This is because we use the latter to buy everything we need for our villages: petroleum products and natural gas,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The Head of State emphasised, “Time is advantageous also because we consume natural gas ten times cheaper than advanced ‘democratic’ (you already know what democracy is) Western Europe. They are out of competition with you. We have a huge market.”

The President said that Deputy Prime Minister Leonid Zayats literally weekly reports on sales, “I ask him one question: would you sell more products if we have them? He replies in a countrylike manner: ‘Easily!’ This is the most important thing: to have a market – moreover, an exclusively marginal one – where it is possible to sell your agricultural products, at unprecedented for agriculture prices. Take advantage of this moment!”

The Belarusian leader added that the Government, the country's top officials, ministers and the President himself will not let villagers ‘relax’, “We need to use this time to raise our villagers from their knees – so that they live with dignity, in good conditions and in good houses, so that their children have the opportunity to get good education, graduate from university and – as diligent owners and the future reserve of our personnel – take a worthy place in our society. I think you would agree that villagers, agricultural workers have deserved it. Let's do everything for our children!”