Posted: 24.05.2024 00:01:59

Lukashenko voiced agenda of negotiations with Putin: security issues come to the fore

The presidents of Belarus and Russia will first discuss security issues, and economic aspects will be considered on May 24th with the participation of government members – as noted by Aleksandr Lukashenko at a meeting after the arrival of Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Minsk, BelTA reports


"I think we will put security issues at the forefront – as usual. We will discuss economic issues together with our colleagues from the governments tomorrow,” the Head of State said.

Taking into account Vladimir Putin's recent visit to China, Aleksandr Lukashenko announced plans to discuss relations in the context of interaction with China. "I think Xi Jinping will be glad that we are discussing these issues. I have very interesting proposals for our region and further there, in the Caucasus, which we discussed very seriously during my visit to Azerbaijan," the Belarusian leader said.