Posted: 24.05.2024 20:22:00

Lukashenko on Zelenskyy's legitimacy: there is no legal purity there, and it cannot be

Answering questions from journalists following his today’s talks with Vladimir Putin, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on the legitimacy of Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Head of State


“There is no legal purity here, and it cannot be – since there is a deep ‘democracy’ there, everything is strangled,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “You and I are often reproached that we are dictators, and someone else is also mentioned in this regard. This is democracy. Neither the Constitutional Court nor other courts can say anything. Therefore, there is no legal purity – that Vladimir Vladimirovich has spoken about – there, and it cannot be in this situation. As for war and peace – the main issues that Vladimir Vladimirovich has also touched, what do they matter to them? Anyway, neither the current president nor the future one, I think, will solve these major issues that Ukraine and the people of Ukraine face. You know who will decide upon them. A lot has already been decided overseas. What is not yet decided will be decided upon by them later.”

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, there are plenty of people in Ukraine today who ‘think of themselves as heroes’. “Again, there is a ‘democracy’ there. There are enough people there today, both among the military and civilians, who want to lead the country and take it in a new way to war or against war. However, the situation is developing the way it is developing. I think this year will determine a lot,” the President of Belarus said.

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