Posted: 22.08.2022 12:47:00

Lukashenko instructed to support craftsmen

The Belarusian Head of State set a number of tasks for the new Head of the Property Management Directorate. In particular, Yuri Nazarov was instructed to pay close attention to the issues of technical re-equipment and modernisation of the organisations affiliated to the Belkhudozhpromysly Association.

“When the Soviet Union collapsed, these organisations were doomed to death, they were abandoned. I just felt sorry for those unique people who work there. No one would have done this work except them,” the President outlined his position.

The Belarusian leader noted that our country should not lose unique schools and knowledge owned by craftsmen.

“These are unique people! They must teach not only their children, but also those who want to learn. Therefore, I tried to keep the Belkhudozhpromysly enterprises. We must support them, we must not lose this school,” the President said. “I do not just put the task of reviving and preserving folk artistic traditions. These productions are unique from the point of view of history, originality, and human skills.”

The President of Belarus clarified that in modern conditions it is not enough to keep the production of folk art crafts in their original form.

“It is necessary to modernise and to carry out constant work on the development of new popular items,” he added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced that experience and traditions should be passed on to our children.