Posted: 24.05.2024 22:47:00

Lukashenko considers Western sanctions one of the causes of Iranian President’s death

Western sanctions prohibiting maintenance of aircraft were among the indirect but significant causes of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during his conversation with media representatives following today’s talks with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin


The Head of State named Ebrahim Raisi a good friend of Belarus and Russia. “He was a normal, kind person who conducted a frank, honest dialogue with us and who was concerned about the development of his own state and the protection of the interests of his own people. What happened, and how… There is much talk about this now, but I think Iran is the country that will figure out what actually happened,” the Belarusian leader said.

At the same time, as a man, not as the President, Aleksandr Lukashenko declared the vile policy of the United States, which had led to that outcome, “I mean, first of all, sanctions. These scoundrels had no right to impose sanctions against ships (airplanes, helicopters) that transport people. They imposed sanctions against Russian ships, against us – against my plane, for example. Vladimir Vladimirovich would not be reached because he uses a Russian aircraft. Meanwhile, they imposed sanctions here. Is this normal? People are being transported [by these planes]. You sold that aircraft. It does not matter whether this helicopter has been in operation for 40 or 50 years. Maybe it has been used three times only in these fifty years, it would be fine if properly serviced – but they forbade their companies as well to maintain it. Therefore, this is also their fault. They forbade servicing that helicopter. That's true.”

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The Head of State believes that those guilty of making such decisions should definitely face a fair retaliation. “He [the Lord] will respond with a fightback. This is not how people should behave in the world. This once again confirms what Russia and others who support it are doing today with the destruction of the unipolar world,” he said.

The President is convinced that a multipolar world will indeed be. “These madmen [the United States and the West in general] are bringing this multipolar world closer by their actions. Who likes it? It was disliked, and they stole money – from Russia and others, seized, arrested a ship, took away a tanker and the cargo… Everything is allowed, as they are ‘strong’. I am not a mystic, but the time will come – and they will pay for everything. They will not hide there across the ocean,” he stressed.

In turn, the President of Russia noted that other persons accompanying the Iranian leader flew on two Russian-made helicopters in the same weather conditions, in the same air corridor – and passed it without any problems.

Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that the tragedy would not change Iran's foreign policy, “Iran is a major regional power, and it plays a significant role in world affairs. In my opinion, it is unlikely that, after this tragedy, we will face any changes in the foreign policy of the Iranian leadership. The fundamental grounds of the Iranian statehood are quite stable, durable, and reliable.”