Posted: 24.05.2024 19:16:00

Lukashenko: Belarus, Russia will not turn away from chosen path of creating just multipolar world order

Minsk and Moscow will not turn away from the chosen path of creating a just multipolar world order – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko in his talk with the media following the negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 24th


The Head of State stressed that the negotiations touched upon the urgent international agenda, the problems of security in the world and the region against the background of the unprecedented level of tension that we all have to deal with. “Our approaches fully coincide here. We will not deviate from the chosen path of creating a just multipolar world order,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The Belarusian leader expressed gratitude to Vladimir Putin for detailed information about the results of his visit to China. “Belarus also aims to develop an all-weather and comprehensive partnership with Beijing. Belarusian-Chinese relations are also significantly improving from year to year. We hope that, at the SCO summit in Astana in July, we will join this influential international organisation,” he said.

The President of Belarus thanked his Russian counterpart for the warm, brotherly conversation, fruitful and constructive meeting, “For the fact that we have found mutual understanding on all topics and can count on further mutual and comprehensive support.”