Lapitsky: Slavianski Bazaar is popular culturological project
The Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk International Festival of Arts retains its significance as a sought-after culturological project – as noted today by festival’s director Gleb Lapitsky during opening of the international press centre
According to him, a huge culturological project has been implemented on the beautiful land of Vitebsk for thirty-one years, without any breaks and pauses, regardless of everything. Someone enjoys it, someone criticises it, but the most important thing is that there are no people indifferent to this forum. The demand for the forum is evidenced by the following facts, which speak for themselves, as Gleb Lapitsky underlined, “You understand this when you find out that the Belorussky Railway Station cannot accept your train, since there are more carriages in it than the length of the platform. When you see both grey-haired journalists covering the forum for many years, as well as interested young people from different countries in the press centre. And most importantly, when a huge six-thousand-seat hall in the Summer Amphitheatre is a full house for the projects of the festival, with joyful applause being heard from the audience greeting their favourite artistes.”