Posted: 13.12.2021 16:11:00

Karpenko: upcoming referendum on changing the Constitution envisages serious and painstaking work

Igor Karpenko has been appointed today by the President to the post of Chairman of the Central Commission of the Republic of Belarus on Elections and Holding Republican Referenda. He admitted that the appointment was unexpected for him. Mr. Karpenko also recalled that he took an active part in the electoral processes in 2006, 2010, and 2015.


According to Mr. Karpenko, the main task – set by the Head of State during the appointment – deals with the changes proposed to the Constitution as part of the referendum.

“We will need to organise work on ensuring a legislative framework for the innovations introduced after adoption of the amended Constitution. In particular, it was discussed that the chairman of the Central Election Commission can be elected differently to how it is happening now. There may be other changes that will require careful study – including those related to territories and all interested branches of government, in order to build up the electoral system as appropriate,” he said.

Mr. Karpenko reminded that the upcoming referendum on changing the Constitution is a serious and painstaking work, “Starting with formation of territorial commissions and ending with organisation of this large-scale political event.”