Posted: 13.05.2023 10:31:00

Expert commented on Lukashenko's invitation to UN SDG Summit: Belarus has done much for world community

The Republic of Belarus has always adhered to the norms of international law – as stated by political expert Vadim Borovik while commenting on the invitation sent to the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to take part in the SDG Summit in September 2023

“We have always been open to co-operation with all international organisations – including regional and global, such as the UN,” the expert said. “The Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was among the founding countries of this organisation. Through our activities, we promote peace, international co-operation, and friendship of peoples in every possible way. Therefore, it is quite natural that our leader, the Head of State, is invited to summits of the kind. We believe it is normal, and there is nothing extraordinary here. If the President's work schedule makes him possible to go, then I am sure he will make this trip – or Belarus will be represented by an authorised person.”

Belarus has done a lot for the world community, and Mr. Borovik explained, “We can recall the peace agreements signed in Minsk regarding the Ukrainian crisis, we can recall a number of initiatives of Belarus within the framework of the UN and other international organisations that were aimed at deepening international co-operation, developing trade and economic relations, political relations, settling migration issues, and so on. All these initiatives were friendly and constructive. Therefore, the participation of Belarus’ representatives at the highest level, including at the level of the Head of State, in the work of such organisations brings great benefits to these structures, making them stronger. In turn, without Belarus, such summits demonstrate the inefficiency of the UN bodies’ work and the discreditable nature of their policies.”