Posted: 16.09.2021 14:06:00

Efficient digits

Belarus is among CIS leaders in digital development – as noted by the Communications and Informatisation Minister, Konstantin Shulgan

These days, Gomel hosts the # GBCregions forum which focuses on the digital economy, smart cities and biometric documents – among other issues. The dialogue platforms have attracted two hundred of participants, including ministers, economists, programmers, heads of districts, enterprises and banks.

Belarus’ development in the context of the 21st century digital world has become a key point of discussion. To meet the times, it’s necessary to enhance the efficiency of public administration, reduce social communication costs and time needed for production purposes. Introduction of high technologies makes it possible to level the notorious human factor.

As the Communications and Informatisation Minister, Konstantin Shulgan, has reported, much technical work has been done in the country over the past five years and a serious structural reserve has been created in the field of digitalisation to ensure a modern approach to all spheres. “All apartments in many-storeyed residential houses have fibre-optic communication lines and all educational and healthcare institutions enjoy broadband Internet access in Belarus. In addition, online payment systems, modern electronic services, information security tools, various identification mechanisms are operational. Our country is 40th (among 193 countries) in the world ranking of readiness for e-government and enjoys leading positions in many fields of digital development in the CIS,” he said.