Posted: 23.08.2023 11:13:00

Defence Ministry official explained who Belarus can rely on in case of war

The common defence of the space of Belarus and Russia is actually the most effective deterrent that does not allow others to talk to the two countries from a position of strength – as stated by the Deputy Chief of the Department, Chief of the Directorate of the International Military Co-operation Department at Belarus’ Defence Ministry, Colonel Dmitry Ryabikhin, in his talk with the SB TV channel

Photo: video screenshot

The Defence Ministry official stressed that Russia is certainly the main strategic ally of Belarus.

“In modern conditions, when the whole range of external impacts – including economic, political and even cultural – is being applied towards Belarus, the security mechanisms have been created. The common defence of the space of Belarus and Russia is essentially the most effective deterrent that does not allow the West to talk to our two countries from a position of strength. Belarus is also actively developing a range of multilateral co-operation with the CSTO and the CIS. In addition, co-operation within the SCO is actively developing. As part of the implementation of the foreign policy vector, co-operation with the countries of the Far Arc is progressing, and this is confirmed by the visit of Belarus’ Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin to Iran and the visit of Cuban’s Defence Minister to Belarus,” Mr. Ryabikhin commented.