Belarus’ Deputy PM about transportation of Belarusian potassium
Today, the work of the country’s transport complex under the sanctions was discussed at the Palace of Independence. After the end of the event, Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Sivak revealed the details of the conversation.
“Today, the volumes of potassium transportation by land crossings are increasing and not only to China; potassium is being sold all over the world. There are agreements with the Russian Federation on the use of port infrastructure, that is, other types of transport are also involved. The process is dynamic. Our transport workers, Russian transport workers, and global companies are involved in these chains. There will only be an increase in traffic,” the Deputy Prime Minister stated.
At the same time, Anatoly Sivak added that sanctions have changed the geography of potash fertiliser supplies, but business is working to turn these changes in its favour.
He also reminded that part of Belaruskali’s mineral carriers is now in Ukraine. The Mogilev Railway Car Building Works is currently working on replenishing the company’s rolling stock.